What Does Spiritual Mean in Simple Words?
Introduction: What Does It All Mean?
So what does spiritual mean in simple words?
For many people, they tend to think that the meaning of spiritual is something complex and is beyond understanding, or that it is all religion based. However, when it comes to anything that is spiritual, it is a lot simpler than what one may think.
For anything that is applied in a spiritual sense, it all deals with the interconnectedness of our world as well as our inner well-being and also how we feel about the world around us. It is also part of our journey of self discovery.
I bet you might be also thinking that when it comes to spiritual stuff that you think of crystals and chakras and auras, et cetera.
However, this is just one small part of anything regarding spirituality.
So now we come back to the question: What does spiritual mean in simple words?
What it means in simple words is: How well do you know yourself and how aware are you when it comes to the world around you? Are you aware of how your actions affect others? Are you in tune with your well-being and know how to go about understanding what's best for you? Do you understand your boundaries as well as others' boundaries?
You see, when it comes to anything in regards to spiritual meaning, it really all comes down to you.
And that's simply it. That's what it means in simple words, as best it can be put when it comes to anything spiritual.
Now let's move on to the next phase of regarding things in a spiritual sense. This is a little bit more advanced, so this is also why it was a good idea to cover on the simplistic side before getting into this next portion of spirituality.
Spirituality: A Little More In Depth - Frequencies

You might not know this, however, anything in terms of spiritual does play hand in hand with what we know as quantum mechanics. We as human beings, vibrate at a specific frequency. Some of us are naturally born with a high frequency, but we are not aware of that until we go through the life experiences to discover who we are. This frequency attracts people of all different kinds. And this is why it's important to understand yourself and what is best for you.
When you do not understand yourself and when you are not in tune with your frequency, you become exposed to so many different people that share more negative and low vibrational frequency and that actually will negatively affect you. Well, also encounter people that are a high vibrational frequency. And those people are people that you should be around. Sometimes you might not notice it at first as you are learning about yourself, but there is a noticeable energy shift around people that match your frequency.
When you are in tune with the energy around you, you will be able to notice this equal frequency that others may also have with you.
People may say that your frequency is responsible for attracting the experiences and people in your life, which I find to be complete bullshit because we as humans attract many different kinds of people and still can have great experiences despite having a lower frequency than others. And people with a high frequency will attract those with a lower frequency because they are in need of healing and support. And both high and low can attract very toxic people as well.
Now, too much negativity or positivity does also have negative consequences. Being too negative or too positive is very draining to be around. Toxic negativity and toxic positivity are two ends of the vibrational spectrum that show that a person has work to do for themselves.
The important thing is striking a balance with everything that you feel and think. And also it's important to be able to understand the complexities of your feelings and thoughts.
Remaining in this equilibrium is what allows us to reach our potential as beings. And as you reach closer to this equilibrium you will notice how it affects others around you as well.
Conclusion: Putting It All Together

So now, you have more of an idea about what spirituality means in a simple sense and also a bit more in depth explanation about it. The key points to take from this read are:
- Self awareness
- Universal awareness
- Know your frequency
- Maintaining or reaching equilibrium
- The consequences of toxic negativity and positivity
Hopefully this is valuable to you and this article gave you more insight about spirituality!